Saturday, November 18, 2017

Kandinsky Fall Creation

       This project is all about shapes both geometric and organic.  To begin the lesson, we first learned about Wassily Kandinsky.  He was an abstract artist who listened to classical music while painting.  After discussing Kandinsky's work, we were each handed a sheet of watercolor paper that was divided into four sections with tape.  In each section, we were required to trace either a geometic or organic shape that was placed on our table.  We had to have two geometric and two organic shapes total.  After tracing our shapes, we drew another line around each shape.  Then we could start painting.  Our geometric shapes were required to be painted in cool colors and our organic shapes painted in warm colors.  The backgrounds in each of the four sections could be painted any color we wanted.   After the paint dried, we removed the tape and displayed our projects on a bulletin board to create a huge mural.
       An extension activity for this project could be to create a huge mural with the fifty states of the United States.  Depending on the class size, each student would have to trace and paint at least two states.  They would have to include warm and cool colors in their painting as shown in my project above.  This extension activity would be used during Social Studies as the students are learning about the fifty states of the United States.

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